
Love and Basketball (and me)

This must be one of my favorite love stories! But as I sit and watch this movie for the 6th or 7th time, I realize some things that I didn't before. It must all be a part of maturing and where I am in my life. The last part of th emovie where she clibms out of ther window to wake up Quincy and confess how she nevers topped loving him and would like to play for his heart - that got me staring blank for a while. I admire her character! I admire the fact that she did what she had to just to get the man, who she was sure was for her!

I am the very opposite of that girl. So far in my life, I've come to realize that I'm not that girl who fights to get her man. I have always believed that the man made for me will be exactly who I end up with. I have always felt that if a man's stupid enough to let me go then he never was the one for me in the first place. I grew up thinking that I should have more pride in myself!

After watching this movie again - I begin to question my belief system. Is my way the right way? I mean I can't see myself having to convince any man that I am the woman for him. I want my man to think that for himself without the help of my ever so convincing rationale. But what if I'm wrong? What if we are supposed to fight for who we like/love? What if I'm supoosed to challenge the guy who left me for a one on one basketball (well just theoretically)? What if people we love who leave us need their decisions challenged? What if?
Ima A Diva from Seattle

1 comment:

  1. Valid point. But I'm like you. I've had my heart broken more then needed, so at this age...I'm not going to rush BS by pursuing something that may not be. I don't want to sound lazy, but I would rather leave the ball in the mans court. I feel if a man is into you, he will definitely pursue you. www.singleinatl.com
